#BlogElul 2015

I have decided to participate in #BlogElul again! I have to admit that I considered skipping it this year. It's been a very busy summer, and I don't anticipate having a lot of free time in the weeks leading up to the High Holy Days. In spite of those reasons (excuses), I've decided that to think of my participation in #BlogElul as an opportunity for reflection rather than simply another item on my to do list. And so, my #BlogElul posts won't necessarily appear every day. Some days, I might use the prompt to write a diary entry or start a conversation with a friend. Some days, I might identify one of the themes within a novel I'm reading, a TV show I'm watching, or a song I'm listening to. I'm going to use the prompts to add another layer of meaning to my days, and I'll share those insights as often as I can. I hope that we all find a way to make Elul a meaningful time of preparation and spiritual growth! Good luck to everyone who is participating in the #BlogElul project!