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Rabbi Rachel Bearman
"True service to God is service to one
another." - Lily Montagu
(To learn more about Lily Montagu, please click here.)
A Midrash For Vayishlach
The prayer of the unnamed, unloved, and unwritten. We are the wives of Jacob. We are the unnamed, the unloved, and the unwritten. We are...
Following Channah's Example: A Prayer for Rosh Hashanah
The Haftarah portion for Rosh Hashanah comes from the first two chapters of 1 Samuel, and it tells the story of two, very unhappy women....
Wrap Me Up: A Prayer For Those Who Are Overwhelmed
Ezrat Nafsheinu- Soul sustainer, I'm tempted to go get my tallis, sit with my legs tucked up underneath me, and wrap myself in fabric and...
It's that time of year!
God of Creation, as this new school year begins, we ask that You: Give our children open minds and hearts and let them encounter new,...
Those Who Accompany Me
I stand with my sisters. I look to my left, and I see Dinah who has a knowing look in her eyes. She understands better than anyone what...
God bless you, America, the shelter that my ancestors sought when their children were threatened by state-sponsored persecution. God...
I Used To Wonder, But Now I Know
I used to wonder how the Egyptians felt when they saw infants condemned as enemies and threats. I used to wonder what Shifra and Puah...
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